Geothermal Drills
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Our Founder and CEO, Ken Lambert, with an EarthDrill at a commercial site in Virginia

It almost does the whole job by itself!

Ground-Source Heat Pump installation is a ground-floor opportunity waiting for you.  Now the right equipment for the job is available.  Our EarthDrill can drill vertically or at an angle (we even used one once to drill horizontally to install a set of water lines).  Bore holes up to 3 inches can be drilled in solid rock, partial rock, clay, mixtures, etc.  Since the work already requires a digging machine with reasonably strong hydraulics, the EarthDrill can be attached to your front-end loader (see picture above) or backhoe.  The drill head is hydraulically powered, a third party air compressor is used, and water and grouting systems are usually used.

Key Benefits

bulletSpecifically Designed for the Ground-Source Heat Pump Driller
bulletBackhoe or Front Loader Mounted
bulletVery Powerful yet Small
bulletCan Drill Rock, Clay, Mixtures, etc.


Description SKU # Price
Drill with drill stems and hammer

(requires hydraulic and air power)

ED-1DSH $145,000
Casing advancer system ED-2CAS $10,000
Grout system ED-03GS $10,000
Water systems ED-04WS $2,000
Air Compressor ED-05AC $18,000

Get in the business before everyone does!


horizontal rule


Ready to make a purchase?

Contact us now:

Postal address
405 Mount Crawford Avenue, Bridgewater, VA 22812
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Last modified: November 03, 2005